Tuesday all day long from 9h to 18h
Wednesday from 14h to 18h
Friday from 9h to 12h
We can be reached by email:
By phone in case of emergency at
+ 33 (0)1 69 15 65 44.
You can also send us a message using our Contact page.
To listen to the testimony of a student and a landlord about their experience of housing against service broadcast on France Inter. It’s here: Testimony France Inter
Heberjeunes developed intergenerational housing, connects students looking for accommodation and seniors looking for company or help (gardening, shopping, computer science…).
In return, the student will be lodged for free or at a low rent while benefiting from a friendly cohabitation.
Héberjeunes is an association with the statute Law 1901 non-profit.
Heberjeunes helps students, interns, young employees and doctoral students find housing adapted to their income. The accommodations are close to the sites of the Université Paris-Saclay and accessible by public transport.